Why #EDCMOOC will be a success, why I am likely to complete and why (if you are reading this) you probably will as well

Moving on from Maslow …. to Gliddon’s Heirarchy of TEL.

More than just Content

How do we know when something using Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) is actually going to work?  With experience I would say most of us develop a “Gut instinct” about this but I thought I would try to do something a bit more structured.

So I am signed up to the #edcmooc and it starts this monday.  However I have already been very busy on google+ with all my new “fr-aingers” (a word coined by Ary Aranguiz over on “All the worlds a MOOC…  ).  Lots of good links, ideas, conversions, videos etc and the course hasn’t even started yet.

As these things tend to do in eLearning/TEL settings, there has been a fair bit of discussion around the learning processes involved in the MOOC (in a way for some of us this meta course “Whats the use of a MOOC” is a large bit of why we signed up).

2 clear…

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Creating Ourselves: Identity

Cats and Chocolate


Identity is fascinating. If we didn’t find it fascinating, there would be no interviews, no memoir, no ‘I’, as such. To identify each other, we talk about interests, beliefs, our dreams, our likes and dislikes, our passions. We talk about where we think we belong, what our past has been, what our present is, and where we think we’re going. Or we are ‘rebels’ in some sense of the word – setting ourselves apart from the culture we grew up in, or apart from the culture that people attribute to us.

It fascinates me because I’ve noticed that my identity has shifted, along with how I define myself at any one time. I used to define myself by what I consumed: my favourite TV series, my taste in music, what I wore.

Nowadays identity is something I consider deeper, rooted in a sense of my experiences and how I’ve responded…

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